Action of other companies

Translation of your advertisement
You need a correct translation of your advertisement or commercial text? We will provide it. Our services are sharply priced and concern translations
English-Dutch, vice versa
English-German, vice versa
You can also turn to us for translations of your correspondence, reports, brochures, speeches, etc. We work efficiently, fast and strictly confidential.
Our general fee is 15 cent per word. Advertisers who subscribe to receive a discount of 10 percent.
For more information you can reach us via our e-mail:



Uw computerleverancier

IT-Commander, groot- en detailhandel in de ICT branche

- Meer dan 14 jaar ervaring in de ICT branche.
- Goede service, prijzen, leveranciers, producten en advies
- Duidelijke omschrijvingen
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- Boven de 1000 euro incl. BTW met proformafactuur is franco op locatie geleverd!

Computers, TV's, TFT, Printers, Notebooks, Software, Beamers enz. alles wat u zoekt onder 1 dak,

Adverteerders die geabonneerd zijn op genieten een korting van 5 % op al de hard- en software!